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Top 10 Shopify SEO Apps: Boost Traffic Instantly!

By Sonaksh Singh Rawat on 3/4/2024 · 10 minute read

In ecommerce, Shopify stands out as a widely used platform. Professionals in SEO have gathered a wealth of experience working with Shopify clients, honing a specialized framework to optimize Shopify stores effectively. Despite the Shopify app marketplace not being as vast as WordPress’s in terms of available plugins, there are still a significant number of SEO tools designed for Shopify that can facilitate the optimization process greatly.

In this article we’ll take a look at a few top choices in Shopify SEO apps within and compatible with the Shopify ecosystem. These selections are based on repeated use and noteworthy performance in enhancing clients’ Shopify experiences, embarking on both platform-specific tools and general SEO utilities that have proven to be essential.

What Are The Best Shopify SEO Tools?

The top Shopify SEO tools include:

  1. Ahrefs
  2. Schema App Total Schema Markup
  4. Lazysizes Library
  5. Shopify Redirection
  6. Search Console
  7. Screaming Frog
  8. STAT
  9. Google Analytics
  10. Rewind Backups

Each tool offers unique features to enhance the SEO of Shopify sites, from keyword research to structured data implementation, image optimization, and much more.


Ahrefs stands out for its comprehensive suite of features, making it indispensable for Shopify owners. It excels in keyword research, backlink analysis, and competitive research, offering insights into keyword opportunities that can potentially increase site conversions.

Schema App Total Schema Markup

Schema App Total Schema Markup efficiently simplifies adding structured data to Shopify sites, addressing common issues encountered with fragmented sources. This tool automates the addition of important structured data types, enhancing the site’s communication with search engines. 

This Shopify SEO app is ideal for stores with extensive inventories, enabling automatic compression of current and newly uploaded images. This contributes significantly to improving site speed by reducing image file sizes.

Lazysizes Library 

For optimizing image loading, the Lazysizes Library is favored for its effectiveness in implementing lazy loading, whereby images only load as needed when the user scrolls, improving page load times.

Shopify’s native redirection tool

Managing URL redirects is streamlined with Shopify’s native redirection tool, facilitating the clean-up of old and outdated URLs. This is particularly useful for stores transitioning from other platforms.

Search Console 

This Shopify SEO app by Google offers invaluable insights into keyword performance, site indexing, and potential technical SEO issues. It’s a critical tool for monitoring the health and performance of a Shopify site in search results.

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is indispensable for conducting thorough technical SEO analyses, identifying duplicate content, and assessing site architecture to optimize Shopify stores effectively.


For tracking keyword rankings, STAT provides detailed, daily updates, offering a clear view of how different product categories are performing in search results, informing targeted optimization efforts.

Google Analytics 

This Shopify SEO app is essential for tracking organic traffic and revenue, offering a comprehensive view of SEO campaign performance and user engagement.

Rewind Backups

Lastly, Rewind Backups ensures peace of mind by enabling easy site backups, essential for swiftly reverting changes when updates don’t proceed as planned.T ogether, these tools form a robust SEO toolkit for anyone looking to enhance their Shopify site’s search engine presence and performance.


Utilizing the mentioned Shopify SEO tools and apps equips users with the necessary technology to begin enhancing their site’s rankings. Although no standalone tool can instantaneously boost SEO without input and analysis from a specialist, these resources provide valuable insights that might otherwise remain uncovered.

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